02 - योग-निष्ठ-जीवनम् 2024- Session 5, English
17---01-Yoga-nistha-Jiivanam/2--Yoga-Nishta-Jiivanam-Classes-Session 5
अत्र योग-निष्ठ-जीवनम् session ०५ इत्यस्य ध्वनिमुद्रणानि | शिक्षिका विधात्री-भगिनी | Vidhatrii Bhagini.
Here you will get the sound files for our Yoga Nishta Jiivanam 2024 classes, Session 05, English.
Here are some helpful guides as you implement the yogic practices we discuss in the audios: (click to view and download)
1) Sattvika Ahara - Yogic Diet
2) Ekadashii - Why to Practice Upavasa
4) What to eat after breaking fast
6) How light travels through space - Why we can see the sun and the stars