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भाषितसंस्कृतम्‌ - वर्गः ४० (Spoken Sanskrit Class #40)

अत्र शिक्षिका जयलक्ष्मी-भगिन्या चालितवर्गः भाषितसंस्कृतं २०२० (Spoken Sanskrit  2020) इत्यस्य गृहपाठः |

Here you will get the link to for our Spoken Sanskrit class homework for those in class 40.

Homework Questionnaire

#001  गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the script: Practice all vowels. You should be able to write these fluently by the next class
  2. Please learn to recite प्रार्थना prArthanA (Prayer) and  शान्तिमन्त्रम्  shAntimantram in the Slides
  3. Listen to this Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai-BReCfdA8
  4. Using the website http://spokensanskrit.org/ translate the parts of the body given below. We will look into this next week.
    1. Head
    2. Shoulder
    3. Knee
    4. Finger
    5. Leg
    6. Hand
    7. Nail
    8. Nose
    9. Ear
    10. Mouth
    11. Face
    12. Neck
    13. Stomach
    14. Navel
    15. Bone
    16. Thigh
    17. Waist
    18. Forehead
    19. Eyebrow
    20. Cheek
    21. Eye
    22. Brain
    23. Skull
    24. Ankle
    25. Foot
    26. Arm
    27. Chest
    28. Hair
    29. Tongue
    30. Throat

#002 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the script: Practice all consonants. You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
  2. Using अहम् aham, भवती bhavatI and bhavAn write 5-6 sentences. Describe about yourself, your father/son/brother/friend and your mother/daughter/sister/friend.
  3. Please learn to recite gItam byheart surasasubodhA vishvamanOjJA
  4. Please learn to recite प्रार्थना prArthanA (Prayer)- Page 2 and  शान्तिमन्त्रम्  shAntimantram - Page 54 as given in Slide2
  5. Using the website http://spokensanskrit.org/ and abhyAsapustakam translate the kitchen related words given beloKitchen
    1. Kitchen
    2. Spoon
    3. Knife
    4. Fork
    5. Plate
    6. Tray
    7. Tumbler (Glass)
    8. Pot
    9. Ladle
    10. Rolling Pin
    11. Pressure cooker
    12. Pan
    13. Fuel
    14. Stove
    15. Mixer
    16. Grinder
    17. Churning stick/churner
    18. Saucer
    19. Vessel
    20. Bucket
    21. Candle
    22. Bottle
    23. Water-bottle
    24. Axe
    25. Firewood
    26. Smoke
    27. Fire
    28. Gas Stove
    29. Cupboard
    30. Matchbox
    31. Filter (strainer)
    32. Tongs
    33. Matchstick
    34. Oven

#003 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Practice all vowels. You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
  2. Please learn to recite प्रार्थना prArthanA (Prayer)- Page 2 and  शान्तिमन्त्रम्  shAntimantram - Page 85 as given in Slide3
  3. Identify the gender of the words given in this link (shabdaparicayaH) - Here
  4. Do exercises given in the pages 1-3 of abhyAsapustakam - Here
  5. Rama’s alternate name is आजानुबाहुः AjAnubAhuH. Using whatever you have learned so far guess the meaning of this word.

#004 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the devanagiri script: ka vargaH (क ख ग घ ड़) & ca vargaH (च छ ज झ ञ). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
  2. Please learn to recite gItam byheart surasasubodhA vishvamanOjJA
  3. Complete the conversation in this document- Here
  4. Here is the link to another online dictionary: https://sa.wiktionary.org/
  5. Translate the sentences given below)
    1. God is everywhere.
    2. The pen is there
    3. The pencil is not there
    4. Where is my husband?
    5. Who is there?
    6. Where is my cat?
    7. Who am I?
    8. Where am I?
    9. Where is she?
    10. What is that?
    11. Who is she?
    12. Is she here? No. Then, where is she?
    13. Who is this boy?
    14. Where is the lion?
    15. Is the lion elsewhere?
  6. Please complete all exercises until 1.8 अ in abhyAsapustakam

#005 गृहपाठ:

  1. Using अहम् aham, भवती bhavatI and bhavAn write 5-6 sentences. Describe about yourself, your father/son/brother/friend and your mother/daughter/sister/friend.
  2. Translate the sentences given below
    1. Where is rAmA’s arrow? {arrow = बाणः  bANaH}
    2. rAmA’s arrow is here, not there.
    3. He is my father and she is my mother.
    4. This is my son’s shirt and that is my son’s ball
    5. Where is the washerman’s donkey?
    6. Janaka’s daughter is sItA.
    7. Who is Bharata’s mother?
    8. The group is not together today. Today is the group’s rest day. (group = गणः gaNaH)
    9. My son’s book is elsewhere.
    10. Whose wallet is this and whose ladle is that? (wallet = धनस्यूतः  dhanasyUtaH)
  3. Kindly complete this exercise Here
  4. Please complete all exercises in pages 10 & 11 abhyAsapustakam

#006 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Ta vargaH (ट ठ ड ढ ण) & ta vargaH (त थ द ध न). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
  2. Kindly complete this exercise Here
  3. Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in 2.1अ abhyAsapustakam
  4. Find the meaning of the feminine names below:
    1. Usha
    2. Priya
    3. Vasumati
    4. Aparna
    5. Vidya
    6. Padma
    7. Jyothi
    8. Kavita
    9. Madhuri
    10. Chitra
    11. Samhita
    12. Neha
    13. Annapurna
    14. Pranavi
    15. Mayukha
    16. Pratibha
    17. Bhavya
    18. Meena
    19. Anika
    20. Sudha
    21. Sruthi
    22. Shilpa
    23. Veda
    24. Indira
    25. Rekha
    26. Lata
  5. Translate the sentences given below
    1. Where is sItA’s ring?
    2. sItA’s ring is elsewhere, not here.
    3. The river kAverI’s water is sweet.
    4. kAvErI’s tributary(उपनदी) is bhavAnI. kapilA is also her tributary. kapilA’s source (प्रभूतिः) is in kEralam. (in kEralam = केरले)
    5. Who is sItA’s husband? Who is the husband’s father?
    6. rAvaNa’s wife is mandOdarI. mandOdarI’s husband is rAvaNaH
    7. mandOdarI’s son is mEghanAdaH.
    8. Hillary’s daughter is Chelsea.
    9. Mother’s mother is here but mother’s father is elsewhere.
    10. Whose husband is he?

#007 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Ta vargaH (ट ठ ड ढ ण) & ta vargaH (त थ द ध न). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
  2. Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
  3. Write your own daily schedule (dinacaryA) in atleast 5-6 sentences.
  4. Translate the below sentences to Samskrit.
  1. Rama runs.
  2. Sita sings.
  3. His father meditates.
  4. Her daughter jumps.
  5. What is your(masculine) daughter doing?
  6. What is your(feminine) son doing?
  7. Krishna's dog jumps
  8. Raghav plays
  9. Girl laughs
  10. Engineer studies
  11. Doctor writes
  12. Fisher woman carries.

#008 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Ta vargaH (ट ठ ड ढ ण) & ta vargaH (त थ द ध न). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
  2. Kindly complete this exercise Here
  3. Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
  4. Write your own daily schedule (dinacaryA) in atleast 5-6 sentences.
  5. Complete section 2.3 अ from abhyAsapustakam
  6. Try completing the conversation in section 2.3आ of abhyAsapustakam

#009 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Learn all consonants.
  2. Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
  3. Please step outside your house/room and only based on what you see, Write 10 sentences of your own. Refer to a dictionary as required.
  4. Learn numbers 1-40 from page 10 of karapatram
  5. Try completing the conversation in section 2.3आ, 2.4 and 3.2 of abhyAsapustakam
  6. Complete review Page 17 in  abhyAsapustakam
  7. Complete review Page 19-21 in abhyAsapustakam

#010 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants.
  2. Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
  3. Please step outside your house/room and only based on what you see (make sure to observe yourself too :) ), Write 10 sentences of your own. Refer to a dictionary as required.
  4. Please complete exercises from 4.2अ until 4.4 in abhyAsapustakam.
  5. Please complete this exercise - link
  6. Write in bahuvacana:
    1. सिंहः गर्जति  siṃhaH garjati  (roar)
    2. बालकः हसति  bAlakaH hasati
    3. वानरः उत्पतति  vAnaraH utpatati
    4. मेघः आगच्छति  mEghaH Agacchati
    5. व्याघ्रः धावति  vyAghraH dhAvati
    6. जननी ददाति  jananI dadAti
    7. शिशुकः दुग्धं पिबति shishukaH dugdhaṃ pibati
    8. अद्य कक्ष्या अस्ति adya kakShyA asti
    9. नदी वहति  nadI vahati  (flow)
    10. कुक्कुरः अटति  kukkuraH aTati (wander)
    11. दीपः भाति dIpaH bhAnti  (shine)
    12. पुत्रः पठति  putraH paThati
    13. पुत्री गीतं शृणोति  putrI gItaṃ shRNOti
    14. जनकः गायति  janakaH gAyati
    15. सेवकः प्रक्षालयति sEvakaH prakShAlayati  (clean)
    16. रामः अनुगृह्णाति  rAmaH anugRhNAti  (bless)
    17. अश्वः चरति  ashvaH carati (graze)
    18. अहं मिलामि ahaṃ milAmi (meet)
    19. अहं खादामि  ahaṃ khAdAmi
    20. अहं जानामि  ahaṃ jAnAmi (know)

#011 गृहपाठ:

  1. Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants.
  2. Kindly use the below online dictionaries to identify objects around your house. https://spokensanskrit.org/ https://sa.wiktionary.org/
  3. Translate to samskritam: Write the sentences in ekavacana and bahuvacana.
    • I go
    • May you (male) come
    • You (female) sit
    • He (near) sings
    • She (far) writes
    • He (far) jumps
    • She (near) plays
    • The dog is here
    • The cat goes there
    • The boy plays
    • The girl roams
    • Let the man cook
    • The woman brushes teeth
    • Can i I get up
    • The horse sits
    • The bell rings
    • The teacher (male) teaches well
    • The finger hurts
    • The vehicle moves
    • The clock breaks
    • The tree falls
    • The girl smells the flower
    • The student (male) cries
    • The girl dances
    • The man guesses the answer
    • The priest speaks
    • Krishna advices
    • Arjuna listens
    • The boy cries
    • The monkey eats fruits
    • The actor laughs
    • The soldier fights
  4. Please complete this exercise- link1 and link2

#012 गृहपाठ:

Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants

  1. Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants
  2. Translate to Samskritam
    1. These are boys.
    2. I eat lunch at 1PM everyday.
    3. Those are his pencils.
    4. Husband ! Let him sleep.
    5. She dances in the evening.
    6. His house is far away.
    7. The leaf floats.
    8. Son ! Your books are everywhere. Pick up.
    9. All his sons and daughters are soldiers.
    10. Wife ! When is the event(कार्यक्रमः) ?
  3. Please complete this exercise - link1 and link2
  4. Make all possible/applicable sentences from combination of the three columns:

#013 गृहपाठ:

#015 गृहपाठ:

#016 गृहपाठ:

#017 गृहपाठ:

#018 गृहपाठ:

#019 गृहपाठ:

#020 गृहपाठ:

#021 गृहपाठ:

#022 गृहपाठ:

#023 गृहपाठ:

  1. एतेषां पदानां सप्तमीविभक्ति-रूपं लिखतु | eteShAm padAnAm saptamI-vibhakti-rUpam likhatu | Write the 7th vibhakti forms for the words here - Link ( This is additional practise. Please feel free to take a couple of weeks to do this)

#024 गृहपाठ: