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भाषितसंस्कृतम् - वर्गः ४० (Spoken Sanskrit Class #40)
अत्र शिक्षिका जयलक्ष्मी-भगिन्या चालितवर्गः भाषितसंस्कृतं २०२० (Spoken Sanskrit 2020) इत्यस्य गृहपाठः |
Here you will get the link to for our Spoken Sanskrit class homework for those in class 40.
Homework Questionnaire
#001 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the script: Practice all vowels. You should be able to write these fluently by the next class
- Please learn to recite प्रार्थना prArthanA (Prayer) and शान्तिमन्त्रम् shAntimantram in the Slides
- Listen to this Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai-BReCfdA8
- Using the website http://spokensanskrit.org/ translate the parts of the body given below. We will look into this next week.
- Head
- Shoulder
- Knee
- Finger
- Leg
- Hand
- Nail
- Nose
- Ear
- Mouth
- Face
- Neck
- Stomach
- Navel
- Bone
- Thigh
- Waist
- Forehead
- Eyebrow
- Cheek
- Eye
- Brain
- Skull
- Ankle
- Foot
- Arm
- Chest
- Hair
- Tongue
- Throat
#002 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the script: Practice all consonants. You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
- Using अहम् aham, भवती bhavatI and bhavAn write 5-6 sentences. Describe about yourself, your father/son/brother/friend and your mother/daughter/sister/friend.
- Please learn to recite gItam byheart surasasubodhA vishvamanOjJA
- Please learn to recite प्रार्थना prArthanA (Prayer)- Page 2 and शान्तिमन्त्रम् shAntimantram - Page 54 as given in Slide2
- Using the website http://spokensanskrit.org/ and abhyAsapustakam translate the kitchen related words given beloKitchen
- Kitchen
- Spoon
- Knife
- Fork
- Plate
- Tray
- Tumbler (Glass)
- Pot
- Ladle
- Rolling Pin
- Pressure cooker
- Pan
- Fuel
- Stove
- Mixer
- Grinder
- Churning stick/churner
- Saucer
- Vessel
- Bucket
- Candle
- Bottle
- Water-bottle
- Axe
- Firewood
- Smoke
- Fire
- Gas Stove
- Cupboard
- Matchbox
- Filter (strainer)
- Tongs
- Matchstick
- Oven
#003 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Practice all vowels. You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
- Please learn to recite प्रार्थना prArthanA (Prayer)- Page 2 and शान्तिमन्त्रम् shAntimantram - Page 85 as given in Slide3
- Identify the gender of the words given in this link (shabdaparicayaH) - Here
- Do exercises given in the pages 1-3 of abhyAsapustakam - Here
- Rama’s alternate name is आजानुबाहुः AjAnubAhuH. Using whatever you have learned so far guess the meaning of this word.
#004 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the devanagiri script: ka vargaH (क ख ग घ ड़) & ca vargaH (च छ ज झ ञ). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
- Please learn to recite gItam byheart surasasubodhA vishvamanOjJA
- Complete the conversation in this document- Here
- Here is the link to another online dictionary: https://sa.wiktionary.org/
- Translate the sentences given below)
- God is everywhere.
- The pen is there
- The pencil is not there
- Where is my husband?
- Who is there?
- Where is my cat?
- Who am I?
- Where am I?
- Where is she?
- What is that?
- Who is she?
- Is she here? No. Then, where is she?
- Who is this boy?
- Where is the lion?
- Is the lion elsewhere?
- Please complete all exercises until 1.8 अ in abhyAsapustakam
#005 गृहपाठ:
- Using अहम् aham, भवती bhavatI and bhavAn write 5-6 sentences. Describe about yourself, your father/son/brother/friend and your mother/daughter/sister/friend.
- Translate the sentences given below
- Where is rAmA’s arrow? {arrow = बाणः bANaH}
- rAmA’s arrow is here, not there.
- He is my father and she is my mother.
- This is my son’s shirt and that is my son’s ball
- Where is the washerman’s donkey?
- Janaka’s daughter is sItA.
- Who is Bharata’s mother?
- The group is not together today. Today is the group’s rest day. (group = गणः gaNaH)
- My son’s book is elsewhere.
- Whose wallet is this and whose ladle is that? (wallet = धनस्यूतः dhanasyUtaH)
- Kindly complete this exercise Here
- Please complete all exercises in pages 10 & 11 abhyAsapustakam
#006 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Ta vargaH (ट ठ ड ढ ण) & ta vargaH (त थ द ध न). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
- Kindly complete this exercise Here
- Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in 2.1अ abhyAsapustakam
- Find the meaning of the feminine names below:
- Usha
- Priya
- Vasumati
- Aparna
- Vidya
- Padma
- Jyothi
- Kavita
- Madhuri
- Chitra
- Samhita
- Neha
- Annapurna
- Pranavi
- Mayukha
- Pratibha
- Bhavya
- Meena
- Anika
- Sudha
- Sruthi
- Shilpa
- Veda
- Indira
- Rekha
- Lata
- Translate the sentences given below
- Where is sItA’s ring?
- sItA’s ring is elsewhere, not here.
- The river kAverI’s water is sweet.
- kAvErI’s tributary(उपनदी) is bhavAnI. kapilA is also her tributary. kapilA’s source (प्रभूतिः) is in kEralam. (in kEralam = केरले)
- Who is sItA’s husband? Who is the husband’s father?
- rAvaNa’s wife is mandOdarI. mandOdarI’s husband is rAvaNaH
- mandOdarI’s son is mEghanAdaH.
- Hillary’s daughter is Chelsea.
- Mother’s mother is here but mother’s father is elsewhere.
- Whose husband is he?
#007 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Ta vargaH (ट ठ ड ढ ण) & ta vargaH (त थ द ध न). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
- Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
- Write your own daily schedule (dinacaryA) in atleast 5-6 sentences.
- Translate the below sentences to Samskrit.
- Rama runs.
- Sita sings.
- His father meditates.
- Her daughter jumps.
- What is your(masculine) daughter doing?
- What is your(feminine) son doing?
- Krishna's dog jumps
- Raghav plays
- Girl laughs
- Engineer studies
- Doctor writes
- Fisher woman carries.
#008 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Ta vargaH (ट ठ ड ढ ण) & ta vargaH (त थ द ध न). You should be able to write these fluently by the next class.
- Kindly complete this exercise Here
- Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
- Write your own daily schedule (dinacaryA) in atleast 5-6 sentences.
- Complete section 2.3 अ from abhyAsapustakam
- Try completing the conversation in section 2.3आ of abhyAsapustakam
#009 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the devanagiri script: Learn all consonants.
- Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
- Please step outside your house/room and only based on what you see, Write 10 sentences of your own. Refer to a dictionary as required.
- Learn numbers 1-40 from page 10 of karapatram
- Try completing the conversation in section 2.3आ, 2.4 and 3.2 of abhyAsapustakam
- Complete review Page 17 in abhyAsapustakam
- Complete review Page 19-21 in abhyAsapustakam
#010 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants.
- Familiarize yourself with Verbs given in page 5 & 6 of this karapatram
- Please step outside your house/room and only based on what you see (make sure to observe yourself too :) ), Write 10 sentences of your own. Refer to a dictionary as required.
- Please complete exercises from 4.2अ until 4.4 in abhyAsapustakam.
- Please complete this exercise - link
- Write in bahuvacana:
- सिंहः गर्जति siṃhaH garjati (roar)
- बालकः हसति bAlakaH hasati
- वानरः उत्पतति vAnaraH utpatati
- मेघः आगच्छति mEghaH Agacchati
- व्याघ्रः धावति vyAghraH dhAvati
- जननी ददाति jananI dadAti
- शिशुकः दुग्धं पिबति shishukaH dugdhaṃ pibati
- अद्य कक्ष्या अस्ति adya kakShyA asti
- नदी वहति nadI vahati (flow)
- कुक्कुरः अटति kukkuraH aTati (wander)
- दीपः भाति dIpaH bhAnti (shine)
- पुत्रः पठति putraH paThati
- पुत्री गीतं शृणोति putrI gItaṃ shRNOti
- जनकः गायति janakaH gAyati
- सेवकः प्रक्षालयति sEvakaH prakShAlayati (clean)
- रामः अनुगृह्णाति rAmaH anugRhNAti (bless)
- अश्वः चरति ashvaH carati (graze)
- अहं मिलामि ahaṃ milAmi (meet)
- अहं खादामि ahaṃ khAdAmi
- अहं जानामि ahaṃ jAnAmi (know)
#011 गृहपाठ:
- Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants.
- Kindly use the below online dictionaries to identify objects around your house. https://spokensanskrit.org/ https://sa.wiktionary.org/
- Translate to samskritam: Write the sentences in ekavacana and bahuvacana.
- I go
- May you (male) come
- You (female) sit
- He (near) sings
- She (far) writes
- He (far) jumps
- She (near) plays
- The dog is here
- The cat goes there
- The boy plays
- The girl roams
- Let the man cook
- The woman brushes teeth
- Can i I get up
- The horse sits
- The bell rings
- The teacher (male) teaches well
- The finger hurts
- The vehicle moves
- The clock breaks
- The tree falls
- The girl smells the flower
- The student (male) cries
- The girl dances
- The man guesses the answer
- The priest speaks
- Krishna advices
- Arjuna listens
- The boy cries
- The monkey eats fruits
- The actor laughs
- The soldier fights
- Please complete this exercise- link1 and link2
#012 गृहपाठ:
Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants
- Those who do not know the Devanagari script: Learn all consonants
- Translate to Samskritam
- These are boys.
- I eat lunch at 1PM everyday.
- Those are his pencils.
- Husband ! Let him sleep.
- She dances in the evening.
- His house is far away.
- The leaf floats.
- Son ! Your books are everywhere. Pick up.
- All his sons and daughters are soldiers.
- Wife ! When is the event(कार्यक्रमः) ?
- Please complete this exercise - link1 and link2
- Make all possible/applicable sentences from combination of the three columns:
#013 गृहपाठ:
#015 गृहपाठ:
#016 गृहपाठ:
#017 गृहपाठ:
#018 गृहपाठ:
#019 गृहपाठ:
#020 गृहपाठ:
#021 गृहपाठ:
#022 गृहपाठ:
#023 गृहपाठ:
- एतेषां पदानां सप्तमीविभक्ति-रूपं लिखतु | eteShAm padAnAm saptamI-vibhakti-rUpam likhatu | Write the 7th vibhakti forms for the words here - Link ( This is additional practise. Please feel free to take a couple of weeks to do this)
#024 गृहपाठ: