Introductory Sanskrit Lessons

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Namaskar and Welcome to All!

This chapter on our website is dedicated for introducing the entire world to the beautiful language of Sanskrit. Since 2019, over five thousand people around the world have registered, and classes are going on with a team of 50 teachers. Over the past five years we have conducted eleven large batches of introductory Sanskrit classes, and the twelfth is about to begin with 850 students registered and eleven teachers. Our approach is that classes should be readily available to all without consideration of country of origin or financial status. To that end all our classes are free of charge, all our teachers conduct classes with the inspiration of seva bhava, and our curriculum is also free. We have now created a new Spoken Sanskrit Curriculum online to increase ready access even further. This way no one will need to purchase any books, as all of our curriculum is available for viewing and study right here on our website. If students wish to download the lessons into their computer or phone, they are welcome to do so. And indeed, in this age of global warming and threat to our entire earth due to deforestation and pollution, keeping the curriculum electronic with no need for paper or printing of books is the need of the day. So onward! Please join us and engage in the study of Sanskrit with us today. To contact us and join our classes, please contact Aurobind Mahodaya at [].

Our Spoken Sanskrit curriculum has been created by the collective efforts of a team of Sanskrit teachers who have worked hard together to create this beautiful study program.

Content creators: Anjali Bhagini, Chandrashekar Mahodaya, Haripriya Bhagini, Kadambari Bhagini, Meena Bhagini, Mehul Mahodaya, Naresh Mahodaya, Neeta Bhagini, Sathyabhama Bhagini, Shobha Bhagini, Suryanarayana Mahodaya

Editing, webpage creation, multimedia and graphics: Anjali Bhagini, Shobha Bhagini, Tattffoo Mahodaya

PowerPoint Slides: Sudha Bhagini

Answer pdfs: Suchira Bhagini

AI image creation: Sameer Mahodaya

Overall Project Coordinator: Aurobind Mahodaya

Website administrator: Vidhatrii Bhagini

That this curriculum is the result of a team of dedicated people working together rather than the effort of any one individual is a testament to the beauty of human society as a veritable bouquet of varied flowers functioning together in coordinated cooperation.

हरिः ॐ

स्वरूपः (Swarup)

January 2024

Spoken Sanskrit Curriculum

१) प्रथमस्तरस्य विषयसूचिका
विषयसङ्ख्या विषयः पुटसंख्या / Link
संस्कृतवर्णमाला Page - 1
वस्तूनां परिचयः Page - 2
परिचयः Page - 3
एषः/सः, एषा/सा, एतत्/तत् Page - 4
सरलवाक्यानि प्रश्नाः च Page - 5
अस्ति - नास्ति, अत्र - सर्वत्र Page - 6
अहम्-भवान्-भवती Page - 7
एतस्य/एतस्याः – तस्य/तस्याः नाम? Page - 8
सम्बन्धषष्ठी - शब्दानां प्रयोगः Page - 9
१० क्रीडा - क्रियापदानि Page - 10
११ कर्तृपदयुक्त-क्रियापदानि Page - 11
१२ भवान् - भवती Page - 12
१३ सङ्ख्याः Page - 13
१४ समयः Page - 14
१५ बहुवचनम् Page - 15
१६ बहुवचनक्रियापदानि Page - 16
१७ वर्तमानकालः Page - 17
१८ द्वितीयाविभक्तिः Page - 18
१९ कदा ?; कुत्र ?; किम् ? Page - 19
२० सम्भाषणम् Page - 20
२१ स्थावरवस्तूनि Page - 21
२२ दिशाः Page - 22
२३ पञ्चम्यर्थे  तः Page - 23
२४ शीघ्रं, मन्दं, शनैः, उच्चैः Page - 24
२५ कथम्-किमर्थम् Page - 25
२६ भूतकाले तिङन्तकृदन्तरूपाणि Page - 26
२७ भविष्यत्कालरूपाणि Page - 27
२८ सम्बोधनरूपाणि Page - 28
२९ यदि - तर्हि Page - 29
३० यदा - तदा Page - 30
३१ यत्र – तत्र Page - 31
३२ च - एव - अपि - इति Page - 32
३३ तः पर्यन्तम् Page - 33
३४ सह - विना Page - 34
३५ अद्य - ह्यः - परश्वः, वासराणि, अद्यतन - ह्यस्तन - श्वस्तन Page - 35
३६ आगामि - गत Page - 36
३७ यावत् - तावत् Page - 37
३८ स्म -प्रयोगः Page - 38
३९ क्त्वा- ल्यप् Page - 39
४० तुमुन्-प्रत्ययः Page - 40
४१ अपेक्षया Page - 41
४२ रुचिवाचकाः Page - 42
४३ विरुद्धार्थकाः शब्दाः Page - 43
४४ चेत् , नो चेत् Page - 44
४५ शरीरावयवनामानि Page - 45
४६ यः - सः , या-सा Page - 46
४७ यत् -- तत् , यद्यपि - तथापि Page - 47
४८ कुटुम्ब-सम्बन्धशब्दाः Page - 48
४९ अभ्यासानाम् उत्तराणि Page - 49
२) द्वितीयस्तरस्य विषयसूचिका
Work in progress