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At the same time, those having more sophisticated knowledge of Samskritam and even of Paniniiya-Vyakaranam will I hope also find this site quite useful, as the approach presented here to classical vyakaranam is very different from what is found in the usual texts. The approach is that given by Smt. Dr. PuspaPushpa DiiksitaDiikshita, and it is based wholly in Panini's own approach; that is, the techniques which Panini used to achieve the critical task of groupifying and organizing the elements of this vast language, are the very techniques Smt. Dr. PuspaPushpa DiiksitaDiikshita has used. With love and respect she is called by many, Mother or Mata; with that very feeling I shall also refer to her in the same way throughout this site.</big>
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Indeed the aim of mAtAji PuspaPushpa DiiksitaDiikshita's curriculum is that all with an interest in Samskritam should have access to the jewel of Paniniiya-Vyakaranam. From a historical perspective, Panini's original and unique grammar of Samskritam has been accessible only to a precious few. Those who could go to a gurukulam and dedicate years to study under a Master of grammar, they were the ones who could get clear knowledge. For the rest, Paniniiya-Vyakaranam remained part of the vast unknown.</big>
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Having thus spent two months immersed in the usual method, in January 2013 I ventured a third time, attending a one-month Vyakarana-varga held by mAtAji PuspaPushpa DiiksitaDiikshita at the Shriinivas Sanskrit Vidyapiitha outside of Delhi. In her teaching she moves quickly, and it was very intense. This gurukulam focuses on grammar, and so the students there already knew not only the Laghu, but also the Vaiyakarana-siddhanta-kaumudii text. Even then, for them Mata's lessons were new! Every day there were lectures before and after Mata's own to review what had been covered the day before and then to explain what she had covered that day. Everything was totally new for me and I needed a lot of help from the gurukuliiya students and teachers. But under their tutelage and with a lot of struggle, by the end of the month the light had been turned on in my brain—Paniniiya-Vyakaranam was making sense!</big>
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Our phone class has been going on for two years now, on various grammar-related subjects. It started with Hegde-Mahodaya's bhAShApAkaH vol I, hence the name of the varga. After completing that text, we read part of Hegde-Mahodaya' shuddhi-kaumudI, then covered a variety of subjects related with dhAtugaNas and guNaH. The handouts from that series have now become the first section of this site, "1-[[01---dhAtugaNaparicayah/2---dhAtugaNa-paricayaH|धातुगण-परिचयः]]". Following that, we read a number of chapters of Hegde-Mahodaya's bhAShApAkaH vol II. That brought us through December 2012. January 2013 was mAtA's varga, and on my return to the US in March 2013 we began studying mAtA's dhAtu-pAThaH together. Since March 2013 we have been engaged in this very subject.</big>
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The material here is all based on the vyAkaraNaM of pANini; the approach for learning it, given by Smt Dr. PuspaPushpa DiiksitaDiikshita. All credit for the material goes to her; if there are any errors in the presentation, they are mine alone. These website pages are the result of my notes and recordings taken during 1) the varga she gave in January 2013, 2) the countless hours spent by TIkArAma-varyAH in reviewing with me, 3) mAtA's two texts प्रक्रियानुसारी पाणिनीय धातुपाठः and अष्टाध्यायी सहजबोध.</big>
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NB To go to the next pages of this site, just scroll up to the top left corner of this page, and you'll see all the sections listed there. Those sections which are expandable have arrows next to them; clicking on the arrow expands the section to show the chapters it contains. Clicking on any one will get you to that page. To begin with the next section, click on [[01---dhAtugaNaparicayah/2---dhAtugaNa-paricayaH|धातुगण-परिचयः.]] Enjoy!</big>
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