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अत्र भाषितसंस्कृतं २०१९ (Spoken Sanskrit  2019) इत्यस्य ध्वनिमुद्रणानि | शिक्षकः जगन्नाथ-महोदयः | Here you will get the sound files for our Spoken Sanskrit class for those in class 13.

वर्गस्य ध्वनिमुद्रणम्‌ (जगन्नाथ-महोदयेन चालितवर्गः)                                           Link to slides (or करपत्रम्‌ / पृष्ठसंख्या / गृहपाठः / टिप्पणी / book page number/homework/notes)

Group 1 Session 2 and Group 8 Session 5 Combined Class Saturdays 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern USA, 9:30 PM to 11 PM Indian Standard Time

Session 09 - Tue 8:30 PM EST (USA) / Wed 7:00 AM IST (INDIA) - This session has been discontinued. Please continue with the lessons from session 10/session 5 below.
