02 - योग-निष्ठ-जीवनम् 2024- Session 1, Hindi

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अत्र योग-निष्ठ-जीवनम् session 0१ इत्यस्य ध्वनिमुद्रणानि | शिक्षकः ओंकार कृष्ण -महोदय: | Onkar Krishna Mahodaya

Here you will get the sound files for our Yoga Nishta Jiivanam 2024 classes, Session 01 in Hindi.

वर्गस्य ध्वनिमुद्रणम्‌ (ओंकार-महोदयेन चालितवर्गः) करपत्रम्‌
1 001_Yognisth-jiivan_+_manav-dharm_2024-05-24
2 002_Human_Dharma_+_What_is_Yoga_2024-05-31
3 003_The Science of Mind_+_What is Sadhana_+_Aahar_2024-06-08
4 004_Yoga and the goal of life_+_More on Food_2024-06-14
5 005_Goal_of_Yogic_Life_+_No_Oil_Salt_Sugar_Dairy_+_Upwas_2024-06-21
6 006_Brahmcharya_+_Vyapak_Soch_+_Positive_Mind_+_Collective_Life_2024_06_28
7 007_Sadhana_+_Man_Ka_Swabhav_+_Upawas_2024-07-05
8 008_Q&A_Related_to_Upwas_+_What_is_Dharma_2024-07-12 1 - What is Dharma
9 009_Infinite_Desire_Quize_+_Manav_Dharma_2024-07-19 Manav Dharma Quiz
10 010_What_is_Dharma_+_Clearly_Reflected_Consciousness_+_Indriya_and_Man_2024-07-26

Here are some helpful guides as you implement the yogic practices we discuss in the audios: (click to view and download)

1) Sattvika Ahara - Yogic Diet

2) Ekadashii - Why to Practice Upavasa

3) How to Break Fast

4) What to eat after breaking fast

5) Vyapaka Shaoca