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![[अस्माकं मूल-यन्त्राणि|02 - अस्माकं मूल-यन्त्राणि]]
![[धातुगणाः - सूत्रसहित-दृष्टिः|02A -- धातुगणाः - सूत्रसहित-दृष्टिः]]
![[धातुविज्ञानम्‌ main|03 - धातुविज्ञानम्‌]]
| [[धातुगणाः|1 - धातुगणाः]]
|[[माहेश्वराणि सूत्राणि|1 - माहेश्वराणि सूत्राणि]]
|[[गुणः, सूत्रसहिता दृष्टिः|1 - गुणः, सूत्रसहिता दृष्टिः]]
|[[धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - १|1 - धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - १]]
|[[धातुगण-परिचयः 2|2 - धातुगण-परिचयः]]
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[[निमित्तम्‌|2a - निमित्तम्‌]]
|[[उपधायाम्‌‌‌ अपि गुणः - सूत्रसहिता दृष्टिः|2 - उपधायाम्‌‌‌ अपि गुणः - सूत्रसहिता दृष्टिः]]
|[[धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - २|2 - धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - २]]
|[[गुणः|3 - गुणः]]
| rowspan="2" |[[तुदादिगणे न गुणः|3 - तुदादिगणे न गुणः]]
[[गुणकार्यस्य अभ्यासः|3a - गुणकार्यस्य अभ्यासः]]
| rowspan="3" |[[धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - ३ (धातूनां स्वरविज्ञानम्‌ – पदव्यवस्था इड्‌व्यवस्था च)|3 - धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - ३]]
[[धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - ३ (धातूनां स्वरविज्ञानम्‌ – पदव्यवस्था इड्‌व्यवस्था च)|(धातूनां स्वरविज्ञानम्‌ –]]
[[धातुविज्ञानम्‌ - ३ (धातूनां स्वरविज्ञानम्‌ – पदव्यवस्था इड्‌व्यवस्था च)|पदव्यवस्था इड्‌व्यवस्था च)]]
| rowspan="2" |[[धातुगणाभ्यासः|4 - धातुगणाभ्यासः]]
| rowspan="2" |[[इत्‌संज्ञा-प्रकरणम्‌|3 - इत्‌संज्ञा-प्रकरणम्‌]]
|[[केषु गणेषु गुणः सम्भवति धात्वङ्गे ?|4 - केषु गणेषु गुणः सम्भवति धात्वङ्गे ?]]
=पाणिनीय-व्याकरणम्‌— नवीना दृष्टिः=
<big>'''Welcome to Paniniiya-Vyakaranam!'''</big> </br>
Keyword: Sanskrit Grammar<br>
To all those well-versed in Spoken Samskritam, pardon me for making the homepage of this site in English. My aim here is for all to feel welcome regardless of their level of Samskritam. After this initial page, everything is in Samskritam. To all those who would have otherwise turned away from this site seeing that the very first page is also in Samskritam: If you know a bit of Samskritam and want to learn Panini's grammar, this site is also for you!
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===One person's experience with both the Traditional and the New===
I had attempted this traditional route albeit in a limited manner, twice spending a full month studying in the grammar department of a Samskrita-Vishvavidyalaya where everything was taught in the traditional style, and in Samskritam. They were very knowledgeable and taught me a lot to be sure—but in a certain way the sutras of ashtadhyayii remained a dizzying maze. We used laghusiddhantakaumudii, starting the text from the beginning. How many times have I started that book from the beginning! Under their guidance, I was able to get a feel for what was going on—and yet in my mind something wasn't clicking.
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===Some History===
Using the actual pANinIya logic and style, mAtAji divides vyAkaraNam in a “new” way—in the actual pAninIya way—and verily this is what opens the door for all to learn. This pANinIya-based technique makes saMskRuta vyAkaraNam accessible for everyone with interest, paNDitas and lay persons alike. I say the actual pANinIya way, because for a very long time, this path was abandoned. In the initial period after pANini gave the aShTAdhyAyI, trainees in vyAkaraNaM were memorizing the entire aShTAdhyAyii in the order of sUtras which pANini gave. This dates back to around the fifth century BCE, the time many attribute to the writing of the aShTAdhyAyii. The tradition continued for a long time, but ultimately came to be perceived by many as difficult or even impractical, and so another approach was begun in the eleventh century CE, based on what is called prakriyA i.e. the pathways for deriving the various types of words or padas. After several attempts by different grammarians, this approach culminated in the seventeenth century CE with the writing of the vaiyAkaraNa-siddhAnta-kaumudii by bhaTToji dIkShita. Soon after that a miniature version of it, called the laghu-siddhAnta-kaumudii, was written by varadarAja. This new style left the order of pANini's sUtras behind, instead taking sUtras from the original text on an as-needed basis, to construct the words of the saMskRuta language.
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===How this website came into existence===
As mentioned, we have a telephone class on the subject of mAtAji's dhAtupAThaH wherein these subjects are discussed each Monday and Wednesday, from 9 pm – 10 pm. Handouts have been created through time for the class as the class progresses, and this website is the collection of those handouts. Because the class is still going on, handouts for all the subjects have not yet been made i.e. this is a site in development. Every week one or two new handouts are made for the class, and they will be added to the site as we move along each week. Anyone who would like to join the class is welcome! Just contact me at Swarup <> and I'll give you the number to call and add your address to our forum where discussions occur and announcements are made. Alternatively, you can go to our googlegroups site and send a note there indicating you'd like to join. The google groups is called: “bhaashaapaakavargah”. Our email address is
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Also we have multiple classes conducted via conference call, on the subjects of Paniniiya Vyakaranam, Nyaya shastram, and also a bhAShA-varga for those wanting to refine their language skills. All classes are free, and people can join from anywhere in the world via local phone call or internet, whichever is more convenient. For class schedules and connect info, click here.
To join a class, or for any questions feel free to contact Swarup <>.
Adding a page ---> [[धातुगण-परिचयः]]
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