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Hello, I'm Beeie! I'm 20 years of age, agender aroace and go by any pronouns. I'm a classical musician & orchestral composer; I play piano and violin, both at an intermediate to an upper beginner level. I am also a constructed language maker or conlanger.

I speak Spanish natively, English as a second language, Japanese as my third, Iterian and Hylia (both fictional) as my fourth and fifth, French as my sixth, and a bit of modern Greek as my seventh. Considering swapping out Greek for Norwegian.

My longest and primary fictional language project is Iterian, which I have been working on for almost 5 years and will continue to work on for the rest of my life. I want to leave it as my legacy in this world.

I am chronically on Discord as @beeie, and I don't play video games besides Minecraft and osu!mania. In essence, I enjoy creating various sorts of things; having a creative outlet keeps my motivation up!